Thursday, January 13, 2011

On Sarah Palin and the AZ tragedy

If Christians ever want "the world" to respect them, where some might listen to them and hear the words of Jesus, they need to start teaching personal responsibility and accountability again.
Christians should be encouraging Sarah Palin and her followers to say "Yes, I posted gun sights on my map, but I meant it only as a political device to focus voters on electing leaders who share our goals. I did not mean for any physical harm to come to anyone. I am sorry, now that I choose this symbol and will learn from this mistake. As a Christian, I do not want it to even appear that I want physical harm to be done to another human being. Please forgive me and pray for the healing of the damaged families."
Instead all I see is lies and defenses that any nonChristian can see through. Why would they listen to any of us about Jesus, if we can't even admit that gun sights were gun sights?
I know a statement like the above would have caused my respect of Palin to go up rather than to go down.

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